Malaysia's No.1 Paint Brand

Colours of Fortune 2018 - Dog



Persons born in the year of the Dog are determined, loyal and reliable. Due to Tai Sui’s influence, overall luck forecast is less than ideal with hidden dangers and unforeseen circumstances popping up, thwarting plans at the last minute. You have to take extra precautions going into investments, and pay a closer attention to your heath this year.
流年狗忠实可靠,正义公平。进入2018戊戌本命年,是犯太岁年,又遇「剑锋」凶星入命,全年运势动荡起伏,工作或者生活中看似进展顺利的事情,暗地里埋伏着陷阱,有不少突发状况出现。凡事不可太乐观,要做好万全的准备,以面对突变。今年适宜多举办喜事,所谓一喜挡三灾, 今年若有喜事发生,运势便会有好的发展。


Lucky Number/幸运号码



Crossing paths with Tai Sui makes it necessary for you to be mindful of your words and keep a low profile at work. Beware of the malicious people inciting gossips, and speak with kindness this year to avoid unpleasant incidents sparking up.

属狗的朋友,有吉星照临事业宫,思绪清晰,工作能力得以发挥。但仍受太岁影响,人际关系欠佳。要知道『英雄不能孤军作战』,事事以大局为重,否则容易被小人的暗箭中伤,功败垂成。今年幸得「将权」「金匱」入宫拱护,宜多行善道 。


You can see a boost in indirect income luck although money appears to come and go quickly throughout the year. Consider an investment in property to bring blessings to your wealth luck. Be careful when going doing joint investments and not to flaunt your wealth.

属狗的朋友,今年偏财运微强,有幸得吉星入命,属于压迫中成长,但与人合作还是需要格外小心。今年钱财难聚,避免无谓的花费 。建议肖狗人士把钱花在自己身上, 让自己更靓丽或帅气,更能增添好运势 。


Relationships will be unstable and rocky in 2018. Singles, refrain from pining over possible romantic advances, as they tend not to become fruitful. Married individuals will find themselves quarrelling with their other half often, and should rein in their tempers for harmony.

属狗的朋友今年犯太岁,又逢「剑锋」「伏尸」凶星添烦添乱,感情更为不稳定,容易生变。单身人士勿对爱情寄望太高,今年感情犹如镜花水月的雾水姻缘,难以持久。宜多控制自己的脾气, 要谨记家和万事兴 。


With a higher tendency of falling ill this year, you should take precautions against heart, lungs and intestinal illnesses. You can donate blood before the Lunar New Year, or display black obsidian Hu Lu in your bedroom to minimise the negative impact on your health this year.

属狗的朋友因受太岁影响,健康运势不佳。 需注意血毒、直肠、心肺等旧疾复发。建议在年前做捐血、补牙、或积极行善来求福寿,化解刑冲。


Lucky Fortune In Your Home/福星到您家

English Rose
Harmonious Purple

Lucky Colours/幸运颜色

Find tips for other zodiac animals

Brush Kenji Sakai

In Memory of
Mr. Kenji Sakai

EX-Chairman of the Board at Nippon Paint Holdings Co Ltd.
0000 - 2018

The Management and Staff of Nippon Paint Malaysia Group
are saddened to share the news that our Ex-Chairman of the
Board at Nippon Paint Holdings Co Ltd., Mr Kenji Sakai has
passed away on May 1, 2018.

We would like to take this day to mourn the loss of a
respected leader and a dear friend of ours as well as honour
his service and dedication in setting a great legacy here at
Nippon Paint.

Our deepest condolences to the family of Mr. Kenji Sakai.
May you rest in peace.