Malaysia's No.1 Paint Brand

Colours of Fortune 2018 - Rat



Individuals born in the year of the Rat are self-discipline, hardworking and quick-witted. Going into 2018, thanks to auspicious star, you will be blessed with help from benefactors. You will see double returns for the efforts put in work, but pay close attention to loss of wealth. Elderly in the family should look out for health-related problems. Reconsider your decisions instead of jumping headfirst into projects.
属鼠的朋友做事态度积极,勤奋努力,头脑机灵,有自我约束力。进入狗年, 得到『天乙』贵人星与「驿马」星的照应,运势平稳的提升。在工作上可获事半功倍之效。凶星有「丧门」「天狗」来犯导致破财的现象。家中长辈有健康问题,其破坏力不容忽视。切记凡事要三思而后行,切勿轻举妄动以免招惹无妄之灾。


Lucky Number/幸运号码



This year, working professionals will receive recommendations from superiors, allowing room to showcase your abilities. Working hard to deliver what is needed will allow you to stand out, which in turn, receiving the well-deserved promotion and gaining more power. Beware of malicious rumours behind your back and of disharmony between colleagues. It is best to keep a low profile, be mindful of your words, and always be humble.



This year, being on the move and joyous occasions at home will give you an additional boost in wealth. Joyous occasions happening at home can give you an additional boost in wealth. Although both direct and indirect incomes are in abundance this year, you should only invest in stable investments and not to be greedy in returns. Contributing to charity with your gains, and reinvest into property or long-term bonds can help boost your wealth.

属鼠的朋友,今年『驿马』入命,动中生财。家中有喜事更为理想。正偏财有利,逢「化禄」入命宫财分兴旺,为财丰之年。今年应多做慈善,或购置一些不动产、长远基金、债券,以备于不时之需 。


Romantically, unfavourable stars will affect your marriage and love relationships, making it a difficult year ahead. Married individuals might also risk cheating on their loved ones due to unsolicited love advances.



Going into 2018, it is important to keep your emotions in check to heart and urinary system while ladies should be careful of female illness and skin diseases. Refrain from taking illnesses lightly as they can be potentially life threatening. It is especially important to maintain a balanced diet and sleep early to minimise these accidents.



Lucky Fortune In Your Home/福星到您家

Blue Rhythm
Blue Tune

Lucky Colours/幸运颜色

Find tips for other zodiac animals

Brush Kenji Sakai

In Memory of
Mr. Kenji Sakai

EX-Chairman of the Board at Nippon Paint Holdings Co Ltd.
0000 - 2018

The Management and Staff of Nippon Paint Malaysia Group
are saddened to share the news that our Ex-Chairman of the
Board at Nippon Paint Holdings Co Ltd., Mr Kenji Sakai has
passed away on May 1, 2018.

We would like to take this day to mourn the loss of a
respected leader and a dear friend of ours as well as honour
his service and dedication in setting a great legacy here at
Nippon Paint.

Our deepest condolences to the family of Mr. Kenji Sakai.
May you rest in peace.