Malaysia's No.1 Paint Brand

Colours of Fortune 2018 - Snake



Individuals born in the year of the Snake are intelligent, responsible and intuitive. Going into 2018, you have the tendency to be indecisive, resulting in wrong judgements made. Without a distinct direction ahead, coupled with frequent mood swings, you will need to be extra careful and keep a clear mind when making important decisions to avoid complications in the upcoming year.


Lucky Number/幸运号码



Auspicious stars will grace your career palace in 2018! Benefactors will lend a hand whenever you need guidance and along will have opportunities to showcase your talents, earning you a raise or promotion at work. This is the year to embark on self-improvement courses and pick up new skills, which will aid you in your career in the long run. It is important to remain humble, as being high profile will invite malicious gossips.

属蛇的朋友,今年事业宫有「月德」 「咸池」吉星高照,能得女性贵人扶持,事业能大展拳脚,有望升职加薪。今年宜多加进修,学习新知识,必有利于事业的发展。


With the inauspicious “Xiao Hao” star in your wealth palace, both direct and indirect fortune are not looking good in the upcoming year. Wrong decisions made this year will lead to loss of wealth. Refurnishing your house, donations to charity or buying goods for yourself and your family will imitate loss of wealth, minimising the times you will lose money unwillingly and unknowingly.



2018 will be a favorable year to tie the knot for those born in the year of Snake. Luck in love is promising for singles, with opportunities to meet and know potential love interests. Married couples will enjoy bliss and harmony throughout the year. However, with a stronger attraction to the opposite genders, refrain from caving into temptations, which will affect your family ties.

属蛇的朋友,今年逢「咸池」桃花入主,适合结婚,将会有喜悦之事发生,恋爱运十分不错。 已婚者,夫妻感情和谐,家庭平顺,但桃花运过旺,要懂得克制, 以免影响美满家庭。


Health takes the biggest hit for individuals born in the year of Snake, resulting in frequent bouts of depression. Be cautious of sciatic nerve pain and urinary tract infections. Insomnia is frequent and you should learn to relax closer to bedtime. Meditation and yoga are good exercises to pick up before the New Year. You should also increase intake of vegetables, fruits and bean products. To improve health luck, you can also wear brighter clothes to chase away the negative energies.

今年属蛇的朋友逢「死符」入侵导致健康运不佳,情绪容易低落。要注意坐骨神经,泌尿系统、容易失眠。 多穿亮丽衣服,让生活添姿彩。


Lucky Fortune In Your Home/福星到您家

Liberty Gray
Gray Cotton
Gray Prose

Lucky Colours/幸运颜色

Find tips for other zodiac animals

Brush Kenji Sakai

In Memory of
Mr. Kenji Sakai

EX-Chairman of the Board at Nippon Paint Holdings Co Ltd.
0000 - 2018

The Management and Staff of Nippon Paint Malaysia Group
are saddened to share the news that our Ex-Chairman of the
Board at Nippon Paint Holdings Co Ltd., Mr Kenji Sakai has
passed away on May 1, 2018.

We would like to take this day to mourn the loss of a
respected leader and a dear friend of ours as well as honour
his service and dedication in setting a great legacy here at
Nippon Paint.

Our deepest condolences to the family of Mr. Kenji Sakai.
May you rest in peace.