Zodiac Forecast 2022

Year Born / 出生年份:
1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Lucky Zodiac Matches/生肖贵人:
Rabbit (兔)
Pig (猪)
1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Lucky Zodiac Matches/生肖贵人:
Rabbit (兔)
Pig (猪)
Star Ranking / 星星指数:
Luck / 运程:
4 Star(s)
Wealth/ 财富运:
4 Star(s)
Health / 健康运:
4 Star(s)
Career / 事业运势:
4 Star(s)
Lucky Directions / 幸运方向:
Lucky Number / 幸运号码:
In 2022, those born in the year of the Goat are blessed by lucky stars that bring significant improvement in fortune from the previous year. Help will arrive from many benefactors, with all things going according to plan. This is the best time
to do what you have always wanted to. You will have constant support with your good interpersonal skills. Take action in order to set things in motion. This year, avoid having too much cash on hand as you may be tempted to squander them.
You shall enjoy good earnings and surplus with your boosted wealth luck. This is also a rewarding year with the support of benefactors. Make full use of the good opportunities this year. You will likely find success in implementing new plans or
investing in business ventures. Helping others shall also bring you more gains than expected. On the other hand, the Indulgence Star may cause you to spend extravagantly. Learn to take control of your finances and avoid being greedy, or you may
lose more than you gain.
整体财运大有起色,赚钱能力比以往强,即有 收益又有盈余。今年得到贵人青睐而收获满 载。好机会当前,可别错过了。若乘胜追击, 推行新方案或投资创业,有望得心应手,迎来 好成果。不妨多给予他人帮助,你获得的将比 你想象得多。然而,小耗星埋伏,你易变得铺 张浪费,需懂得克制。千万不可贪小便宜,否 则会因小失大。
整体财运大有起色,赚钱能力比以往强,即有 收益又有盈余。今年得到贵人青睐而收获满 载。好机会当前,可别错过了。若乘胜追击, 推行新方案或投资创业,有望得心应手,迎来 好成果。不妨多给予他人帮助,你获得的将比 你想象得多。然而,小耗星埋伏,你易变得铺 张浪费,需懂得克制。千万不可贪小便宜,否 则会因小失大。
Flanked by lucky stars, you are in a more relaxed state and are no longer bothered by past problems. Maintain good spirits, as a joyful heart is good for health. Discomfort in your spine and lower back will stop, and you no longer will suffer
from dizziness. However, you should pay attention to minor ailments and flu. Head outdoors for some fresh air whenever you have the time. Meeting up with old friends shall bring you fresh insights.
You will enjoy stable income as long as you stay down-to-earth and work hard. You will also gain recognition from your superiors and colleagues, with opportunities for a promotion or salary increment this year. Even so, the presence of the
Overseas Advancement Star may make you seek change. If you are dissatisfied, why not create an action plan to seek out new opportunities or even start your own business? There are promising prospects for businesspeople and aspiring
entrepreneurs. Strive on boldly, but remember to follow
the law.
Colours of Fortune / 幸运色:

Lucky Colours / 开运颜色:
NP AC 2114 A
NP N 2044 A
NP PB 1519 A
NP BGG 1626 T
NP BGG 1664 T
NP PB 1535 T