Zodiac Forecast 2022

Year Born / 出生年份:
1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
Lucky Zodiac Matches/生肖贵人:
Goat (羊)
Rooster (鸡)
1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
Lucky Zodiac Matches/生肖贵人:
Goat (羊)
Rooster (鸡)
Star Ranking / 星星指数:
Luck / 运程:
4 Star(s)
Wealth/ 财富运:
4 Star(s)
Health / 健康运:
3 Star(s)
Career / 事业运势:
4 Star(s)
Lucky Directions / 幸运方向:
Lucky Number / 幸运号码:
Aided by lucky stars, you shall bask in radiance of a glowing luck cycle that sharpens and enhances your thinking ability and knack for making money. However, some unlucky stars lie in wait, bringing untimely problems that cause worries and
confusion. While you may feel helpless and dejected occasionally, something positive usually follows. This shall empower you to overcome all difficulties. This year, you are prone to illnesses and accidents. Take care of your health and safety.
Be careful on the road and refrain from breaking
the law.
With favourable wealth and windfall luck, you will enjoy great returns with new collaborative projects in your career. Your finances are healthy, so consider looking into financial management to diversify your investments. Besides keeping an
emergency fund that is readily available, consider investing to grow your longer-term wealth. Act quickly after doing proper research and evaluation. You will encounter many benefactors who will guide you along the way. Remember, harmony begets
prosperity. If spending money can resolve problems, do not be too calculative.
There may still be a lingering sense of emptiness despite feeling happy at work and in life. With the Illness and Entanglement stars, you are prone to fatigue and distractions, which may result in illnesses and accidents. Take good care of your
health and talk to your loved ones when you encounter problems. Learn to let go and be content with what you have. Consider making some changes to your home furnishings or layout, as a new environment can improve your mood.
As your career flourishes, busy schedules and fierce competition will cause you more stress. However, that should not stop you from excelling and standing out from the crowd. You will also receive timely help to overcome difficulties. Maintain
a good working attitude and you will be rewarded with a promotion and salary increment. The self-employed and businesspeople shall make good progress this year. Dress appropriately and always look your best. Consider arranging business meetings
over dinner for higher chances of success.
Colours of Fortune / 幸运色:

Lucky Colours / 开运颜色:
NP YO 1089 P
NP N 1870 D
NP OW 1082 P
NP YO 1138 P
NP R 1385 T
NP OW 1009 P